Wednesday, June 17, 2009

And the Winner is...

"For the first time, you can actually see the losers turn green"
- Bob Hope, 1965 Academy Awards

Well I can't say I'm surprised, after all I did ask for the award. I'd like to take this time to thank PrImA who was nice enough to give it to me. Danke schön!

Having received this award I must tell you 10 things you don't know about me. So without further ado:
  1. I'm a semi-hypochondriac
  2. I have an older brother and a younger sister
  3. I should have graduated a couple of years ago
  4. I'm lazy when it comes to school work
  5. I have a fear of bugs and spiders
  6. I'm a Libra
  7. I used to smoke
  8. When it came time to pick teams in gym class I was the guy who was picked last :(
  9. I can't cook
  10. I can't speak my mother tongue; I somewhat understand it


Anonymous said...

Amusing and charming. Your self-deprecatory humor should win you many friends at BC. But be careful: becoming an alpha male might tarnish your reputation. We're all losers here.

Diana said...

Maybe you're just suffering from middle child syndrome, you know, like Jan Brady. You know about Jan, doncha? Though you're young, and she harkens way back to the days of station wagons and orange coutnertops. Anyway, I have one of those in my house - a middle child, not an orange countertop. So I know a thing or two about that.

At least you gave up smoking. What's your mother tongue, btw?

Omega said...

I saw part of an episode of the Brady Bunch but it was before my time as you said. My mother tongue is Tamil.

Katie said...

I was ALSO the last one picked in gym! My friends still make fun of me for it.

I was always hoping they'd put be in "Special Gym" for the slower kids so I could play Hopscotch.

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